With 🤍 Love for the Webflow Community

Pixel Perfect Products for Shopify & Webflow

Our overall budget for 2023 is $1,000,000

Because of your faithfulness and generosity, as a church we gave over $280,000 to missions in 2023! Thank you so much for your generosity in giving.  We believe that God calls us to love all people and through your generosity in giving, we are able to love and be a blessing to not only people in our cities, but globally as well!

Mission fundraising Strategies.
Here are some strategies to help us raise funds for missions:

1. Prayer: 1 Timothy 2:1“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask god to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them.” God gives us instruction to specifically pray for those in need.

2. Tithing: In Malachi 3:10 were instructed to bring the full tithe, or the 10 percent to the storehouse and if we do this God will bless us beyond our ability to contain it. Through your obedience we have been able to make a huge impact locally, nationally and across the world.

3. Vision casting: We want to consistently communicate a mission minded gospel. You will often hear about the differences you’ve made across the world.


Advocates for Africa, Easter Outreaches, Thanksgiving Outreach, Christmas Giveaways, Convoy of Hope, Serve Saturday